Typography in Product Design  

Today, my lesson on the importance of typography in product design went live on Hack Design.

A few weeks ago we were introduced to the art of type, and gained a basic understanding of the rules surrounding it. But where does it all fit in? Of what value is typography to the interfaces we interact with on a regular basis?

We put extreme emphasis into the code and pixels pertaining to our products. But both are rendered useless without the content. And as the esteemed Robert Bringhurst once wrote, “typography exists to honor content.” In this lesson we’ll learn where typography and product design cross paths, and how to properly implement it into our designs. We’ll learn why it matters most.

It was fun curating what I thought to be the best 6 links for introducing one to the art of type, and its implementation. Go take a look!

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Well, hello there Svbtle

As you may or may not be aware, my tagline is “blogger, designer, entrepreneur.” Ever since I was a young lad, I was fascinated with describing things in three words or less. The part I hated, however, was finding those three words. Go... Continue →