Age is just a number. Anyone can build.  

Today’s my 18th birthday.

I’ve contemplated keeping my age a secret until I was old enough to buy someone a drink. Or at least until my age didn’t end with “teen.” That way, people would “take me seriously.” But I’ve gotten over it.

It really amazes me how much the world focuses on one’s age and degree(s). Even more so than skill and personality, the most important factors. But today, for my birthday, I’ll try to debunk the silly notion of age > skill. I’ll tell you a little story about me, who helped me grow as a writer, designer and leader, and my advice to young creatives.

I wrote extensively on the subject. Check it out!


Now read this

Wunderlist 2 looks great

6Wunderkinder has just released the long awaited Wunderlist 2 for just about every device. I’ve been using it for a couple months now and it’s pretty amazing. The team at 6W, lead by Christian Reber, have executed well in terms of design... Continue →