
You know, it’s beyond me how such a thing has been going on for over two decades without me knowing about it. I know about a lot of things – seriously. For those of you socially deprived folks whose faces still don’t cringe at the name of Joseph Kony, let me introduce you to this sinister monster. Better yet, let’s let Invisible Children, the people who rose awareness in the first place, do that:

Joseph Kony is the world’s worst war criminal. In 1987 he took over leadership of an existing rebel group and renamed it the lord’s resistance army (LRA).

The LRA has earned a reputation for its cruel and brutal tactics. When joseph kony found himself running out of fighters, he started abducting children to be soldiers in his army or “wives” for his officers. The LRA is encouraged to rape, mutilate, and kill civilians–often with blunt weapons.

The LRA is no longer active in northern Uganda (where it originated) but it continues its campaign of violence in democratic republic of congo, central african republic, and south sudan. In its 26-year history, the LRA has abducted more than 30,000 children and displaced at least 2.1 million people.

So here it is that this asshole has been galavanting the African continent for decades, forcing kids into slavery, so to speak, and getting ​away with murder while we complain about someone not responding to our @mention on Twitter. There’s a problem there.

Of course, I can’t complain too much. A huge chunk of the world population now knows about this crazy [enter derogative word here]. In fact, even Google can spot him from 4 letters away…​​

Googling Kony

​Though I must argue that we shouldn’t get the words famous and infamous confused* with each other.

Famous: adj. “honored for achievement.”

Infamous: adj. “having an extremely bad reputation.” ​

*Yes, I know there’s a reason behind their word choice. I just want to sound smart.​​

Let’s make Joseph Kony infamous.


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