The Industry Turns 1: Giveaway Time

One year ago, Drew and I set out to give a voice to the creative community. We created The Industry with the intent of “covering design focused startups and people.” 366 days later, we’ve grown into a well-respected blog and podcast.

We’ve built a strong diverse team, reported on the latest, reviewed great products, interviewed the folks behind these tools, written about design, and had deep discussions with creatives.

We’re a community of believers. A collective group of individuals who believe in man’s innate ability to create, shape, and mold the world around us. To fill it with meaningful things that will benefit us now and in the future, whether they be physical or digital.

So in honor of the one year, we’re doing a birthday/holiday giveaway. We’ve teamed up with companies like Squarespace, Ugmonk, Etsy, and Offscreen to give away x prizes to x people for 12 days. (think 12 Days of Christmas song).

So go enter!


Now read this

There’s Value in Charging

For those of you who hate long articles, I’ll summarize everything in one sentence. Creators, if you know it’s worth it, charge for your product. There. Now for you who don’t mind a few chunks of text, let’s continue. I came up with the... Continue →