Well, hello there Svbtle

As you may or may not be aware, my tagline is “blogger, designer, entrepreneur.” Ever since I was a young lad, I was fascinated with describing things in three words or less. The part I hated, however, was finding those three words. Go figure.

Luckily for me, the problem didn’t persist when it came to me, personally. I blog – it’s my job. I’ve written for AppAdvice, Macgasm, Envato, TED, and The Industry (my brainchild). I design – it’s my passion. I taught myself the fundamentals of the web before I could spell extrapolation, or maybe I was just a slow speller. I, this is a hard one, “entrep?” I never liked the idea of working in a tight 4x4 cubicle from 9-5pm. So the only alternative was to be my own boss (the startup boom hadn’t quite happened yet, a.k.a., it was nonexistent).

Wow, I didn’t quite realize that would take an entire paragraph. My bad. Now, on to the hello message. The main reason I suppose you came.

We were a bit late, but on Monday, The Industry covered Svbtle by Dustin Curtis. I found the idea to be nothing short of amazing. Coming from the complex CMS that is WordPress, I could relate entirely with Curtis’ frustration. Don’t get me wrong. WordPress is the perfect platform for large sites like Mashable, TechCrunch, and RWW. However, for “personal blogging,” as I call it, we don’t need the fancy plugins, SEO, colors, featured posts, news post, OP-Eds, social sharing links, call-to-actions, author bio box, contact form, and the list goes on. Rather, give me a clean minimal space that encourages me to dump my thoughts and add a title, I’m sold. Svbtle is just that, just a tad bit sexier. Oh, and the Markdown support helps.

So, I shot Curtis a response and a day later I was picking out my supporting image from the noun project (yup, my icon means “caution” – take it literally) and my hex.

From here on out, this will be the new dump site for my thoughts (that means bookmark it). If you like them, send a kudo, or not. If you hate them, cool. There’s a reason why I’m not the only person on this network.

Nevertheless, it feels so refreshing to have a space I can call my own. Thanks Dustin. Welcome everyone.


Now read this

Event Confirmed: Apple can’t count.

So by now you must have heard that there will indeed be an Apple event on September 12th (next week Wednesday). Apple has reportedly sent out its media invites and the countdown begins. There’s just one thing that has me scratching my... Continue →